Yvonne Eschke
Lymphologic med. Weiterbildung, Aschaffenburg
Yvonne Eschke is staatlich geprüfte und staatlich anerkannte Physiotherapeutin since 1996. She completed the Fachschule für Physiotherapie, Wannseeschule e.V. in Berlin (Germany). In 2008 she completed the education for teacher of Manual Lymphatic Drainage/ CDT at Lymphologic med. Weiterbildung in Aschaffenburg and in Leipzig (Germany). Since 17 years she is working at Praxis Aue in Hamburg (Germany) and since seven years teaching in various cities in Germany and giving lectures and workshops in conferences in Brazil, Spain and Austria. Since November 2013 she is studying at Thim International Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie in Utrecht (Netherlands).
Abstract : Edemas caused by different kinds of angiological problems and their treatment