Biography: Ulrike Berzau
Gallup studies show that only 31.5% of the American work force is passionate about their daily work. Th is costs the USA economy in the billions. Lost productivity and increased “unhealthy days”, days where health issues affect the work, are seen in the almost 70% that are not engaged and passionate about their work. Actively disengaged employees have almost two times more unhealthy days than engaged employees. Evidence suggests that employee engagement correlates with patient satisfaction and loyalty. Targeting the engagement issue, addresses patient satisfaction and excellence at the root drastically changes the results and outcomes. Imagine you know your work and core passions? Imagine your company strategy is based on what matters most to the leader, employees, company success and patients? Once we create alignment between an organization’s strategy and the work passions, core passions and unique skills of leaders and employees, we have a thriving organization. It improves patient care and outcomes; increases productivity, excellence, creativity, profits and sustainability.