Allen Marangoni
Wheeling Jesuit University
Title: Physical therapy interventions, including student education, for individuals with chronic kidney disease receiving hemodialysis treatments
Biography: Allen Marangoni
This educational session is designed to present the most current evidence supporting the benefits of physical therapy interventions for the individual receiving hemodialysis treatments and demonstrate a method to promote this awareness within a Doctor of Physical Therapy curriculum. It will also provide support for the provision of those physical therapy services while the individual is receiving the dialysis treatment. Current research supports physical activity for individuals with chronic kidney disease and describes the benefits of physical activity for these individuals. Physical therapists possess the skills and the tools to effectively prescribe, monitor and educate people with chronic kidney disease on safe physical activities. Diabetes mellitus, obesity, and impaired cardiovascular function are other conditions faced quite often by individuals with chronic renal disease that may result in a lowered quality of life. Physical therapists can become integral members of the medical teams caring for these individuals by providing interventions to increase the quality of life for that population. With the continued rise of this world-wide public health problem, education for current physical therapy students regarding hemodialysis and the role of physical therapists for those suffering from chronic kidney disease is imperative. This session will identify some key elements utilized by one university to educate students while providing a service during hemodialysis treatments.